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Back-to-school woes to ohs!

Plan school lunches and buy appropriately sized containers.

The biggest challenge about going back to school is definitely getting into the school year routine. From sorting school supplies and gear to better lunch and meal prep, we all need a game plan to get through the academic year without too much stress.

Organization and preparation are the two key things to keep in mind. Pascale Chenard is not only a professional organizer (she’s the owner of The Simple Way and a member of the Professional Organizers of Canada) but she’s also the mom of four, so she has a lot (and we mean a lot) of experience in back-to-school planning and homework survival. Here are her five tips to staying ahead of back-to-school battles.

Tip 1: Keep a clean, clutter-free bed during the school year. This will improve a student’s sleep, which will positively impact their energy and mood at school. “A special nod to people with ADHD,” said Chenard. Eliminate too many stuffed animals or toys. Also, if they have a headboard with cubbies or display areas, cut down on knickknacks and other things that look and feel cluttered.

Tip 2: Make sure their bedroom is well organized. “This will allow the kids to have a clear mind on a daily basis and will facilitate concentration on the essentials during school time: homework, extracurricular activities, and rest,” Chenard said. “If the room is always messy, check if you have those essentials available in the bedroom, and if not, add them as soon as possible.”

These include a garbage bin, laundry basket, and donation box. Ahead of the school year, go through toys, clothes, and books so you have only the essentials.

Tip 3: Plan a specific place where the child can leave his or her backpack and lunch box when they get home from school. It could be a hook on the wall near the entrance of the house, or in their bedroom. This will allow them to put the bags there instead of leaving them lying around in the entrance. It is essential that this place is accessible and available to accommodate the bags at all times so that it is used correctly.

Tip 4: Plan school lunches and buy appropriately sized containers. Make sure they are easy for your child to manipulate, and double check that they meet the needs of the food you’ll be putting in them. Also, look for a schoolbag without too many pockets.

“I prefer lunch bags and boxes with as few small compartments as possible. Again, a nod to people with ADHD,” Chenard recommended. “These compartments most often end up hosting a surprising amount of small finds such as rocks, pieces of gum, and a host of other unusual things. Limiting the pockets will make it easier to clean the school bag and avoid finding dirty containers several weeks after they have disappeared.”

Tip 5: Create a charging zone in your house so it’s easy for every family member to charge their tech gadgets when needed. “There is nothing more frustrating than being on our way out and realizing the smart watch battery is low or you don’t remember where the charger block is,” Chenard said.

Jenn Cox, journalist

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